Laurie Verme
Laurie Verme graduated from Brockport State University with a
Bachelor’s Degree in Science and started her career as a cardiac nurse.
Turning twenty-two, she became Assistant Head Nurse at Huntington
Hospital in the cardiac unit. After seven successful years working for the
hospital she turned to her father, Jay Verme, wanting to pursue
something bigger for her career. Jay jokingly told her “If you want
great,go for the greatest and apply to McDonalds?” and so, she did.
Through hard work, dedication and guidance from her parents, Laurie
built her career in food service as an multi-award winning McDonald’s
owner/operator in Long Island, N.Y.
In 2007, Laurie was awarded the NAPEW ( National Association of
Professional and Executive Women). The NAPEW, is the largest,
most-recognized networking organization of professional women in the
country. NAPW members have diverse backgrounds, beliefs,
perspectives and lifestyles with one common bond – their ability to
succeed. NAPW's mission is to provide an exclusive, highly advanced
networking forum to successful women executives, professionals and
entrepreneurs where they can aspire, connect and achieve. Through
innovative resources, unique tools and progressive benefits,
professional women interact, exchange ideas, advance their knowledge
and empower each other.
It was time to leave Long Island and move to Florida. After living on the
east coast for several years, Laurie and her daughter landed on Sanibel
Island, FL. Sanibel was a “dream come true” as she always wanted to
live on this beautiful, tranquil Island. A business opportunity became
available in 2017, and Laurie jumped at the chance to own a business
on this Island but to live there too.
Laurie grew up on the Shores of Long Island. Her father, being a
bayman, saw many changes throughout his years. One change in
particular were the dolphins swimming in the Long Island Sound until
the water became unfit. As a Sanibel business owner and resident in
2018, she encountered an “apocalyptic” red tide that caused an algae
bloom outbreak that led to a devastation of aquatic life across
southwest Florida’s shores. In 2022, she experienced the destruction of
Hurricane Ian. As a result, Laurie has become an advocate for the
conservation of our coastal ecosystems, and has given back to the
Captains for Clean Water organization.